
Stated Income Loans: Qualifying for a Loan without W2s or Tax Returns

Many home buyers generate income outside of the traditional W2 salary. That’s where loan programs like a stated income mortgage become a powerful and strategic tool for buyers to qualify with unconventional income streams. Work with an expert in Non-QM mortgages to get the best deal and terms on your home.

Key Takeaways About Stated Income Loans

Need quick answers in your journey to financing your home purchase? Here’s the core facts you need to know about stated income loans:


  • Stated income loans allow you to qualify for a home loan without providing tax returns or a W2
  • You can buy single, or multi-unit properties with a stated income loan
  • The process for applying for a stated income loan is similar to traditional loans, with a different income qualification process

What is a Stated Income Loan?

Traditional mortgages rely heavily on documented proof of income through pay stubs, tax returns, and W-2s. But what if your income structure doesn’t fit neatly into those categories? Freelancers, business owners, and individuals with commission-based earnings often face challenges when it comes to securing a home loan. This is where stated income loans come in. They offer an alternative path to homeownership for those who have difficulty documenting their income through traditional means.

In a stated income loan scenario, you report your income directly on the mortgage application. The lender will then use alternative verification methods to assess your financial stability. This might involve analyzing your bank statements to verify income flow and deposit history, or reviewing your assets to determine your overall financial picture.

While stated income loans can be a welcome option for those struggling to qualify for conventional mortgages, it’s important to be aware of the potential drawbacks. Because lenders lack the traditional income verification documents, they perceive stated income loans as carrying a higher risk. This translates to potentially steeper interest rates and stricter down payment requirements compared to conventional loans. On top of that, finding lenders offering stated income loans can be more challenging in today’s market. Following the 2008 financial crisis, regulations have tightened, making these loans less common than they once were.

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    Qualifying for a Stated Income Mortgage

    Unlike traditional mortgages that rely on documented income through pay stubs and tax returns, stated income loans take a different approach. Here’s a breakdown of the process:

    Income Application

    You’ll directly state your income on the mortgage application. Be prepared to provide documentation to support your income claims, such as bank statements reflecting deposits or business contracts outlining commission structures.

    Alternative Verification

    Since traditional income verification is absent, lenders will utilize alternative methods to assess your financial health. This may involve:

    • Bank Statement Analysis: Lenders will meticulously analyze your bank statements over a specific period (typically 12-24 months) to verify income consistency and deposit history. They’ll look for regular deposits that align with your stated income and assess your spending patterns to ensure affordability.
    • Asset Verification: In addition to income flow, lenders will consider your overall financial picture. This might involve verifying assets like investment accounts, retirement savings, or real estate holdings. Demonstrating a strong asset base can improve your chances of qualifying for a stated income loan.

    Underwriting Approval

    After reviewing your application, income statements, and alternative verification documents, the underwriter will determine your eligibility and loan terms. This includes factors like your credit score, debt-to-income ratio (DTI), and the value of the property you’re purchasing.

    Important Considerations

    • Stricter Requirements: Due to the lack of traditional income verification, lenders may impose stricter down payment requirements compared to conventional loans. This means you’ll need to have a larger upfront cash investment to secure the mortgage.

    • Higher Interest Rates: Because stated income loans are considered higher risk for lenders, they often come with steeper interest rates compared to traditional mortgages. This will translate to higher monthly payments throughout the loan term.

    Remember: While stated income loans offer flexibility for those with non-traditional income streams, it’s crucial to weigh the potential drawbacks before deciding if this route is right for you.

        The Stated Income Difference

        While stated income loans come with some drawbacks, they can also offer significant advantages for certain borrowers, particularly those who struggle to qualify for traditional mortgages due to their income structure. Here’s how a stated income loan can benefit your home buying journey:

        1. Opens Doors for Non-Traditional Income Earners:

        Stated income loans are a lifeline for individuals whose income falls outside the standard W-2 employee mold. Freelancers, business owners, commission-based workers, and those with variable income streams can find it challenging to meet traditional income verification requirements. Stated income loans bypass this hurdle, allowing you to demonstrate your financial strength through alternative means. If you’re self-employed, you may need to research self-employed loans, as they function similarly to stated income mortgages.

        2. Freedom from Tax Return Hassles:

        Gathering tax returns and wading through financial statements can be a time-consuming and stressful process. Stated income loans eliminate this hassle. You won’t be required to submit your tax returns, simplifying the application process and potentially expediting your loan approval.

        3. Potentially Lower Down Payment Requirements:

        While some lenders offering stated income loans may have stricter down payment requirements, there’s also a possibility of finding options with lower down payment thresholds compared to conventional loans. This can be particularly advantageous for first-time homebuyers who might not have a large amount of cash saved for a down payment.

        4. Future Refinance Opportunity with Traditional Documentation:

        Once you’ve established a track record of income stability and homeownership, you may have the opportunity to refinance your stated income loan down the line. With a history of on-time mortgage payments and potentially more traditional income documentation (like tax returns from your established business), you could qualify for a conventional loan with potentially lower interest rates. This can translate to significant savings over the long term.

        Remember: It’s crucial to carefully weigh the benefits against the potential drawbacks (higher interest rates, stricter qualification requirements) before deciding if a stated income loan is the right fit for your financial situation. Consulting with a qualified mortgage professional can help you navigate your options and determine the best path to achieve your homeownership goals.

        Financing That Dream Property Could Be Closer Than You Think

        Requirements for a Stated Income Loan

        While stated income loans offer a more flexible approach to income verification, there are still requirements you’ll need to meet to qualify. Here’s a breakdown of the key factors lenders consider:

        • Down Payment: Be prepared for a potentially larger down payment compared to conventional loans. This helps mitigate the increased risk associated with the absence of traditional income verification. The exact down payment requirement will vary by lender, but it could range from 10% to 25% or more of the property value.

        • Bank Statements: These will be a crucial source of documentation for your stated income. Lenders will meticulously analyze your bank statements (typically for 12-24 months) to verify income consistency and deposit history. Ensure your statements reflect regular deposits that align with your reported income.

        • Credit Score: A strong credit score is essential for qualifying for any mortgage, and it holds even greater weight with stated income loans. Aim for a credit score in the mid-to-high 600s or above to improve your chances of approval and potentially secure more favorable loan terms.

        • Financial Stability: Beyond income and credit score, lenders will consider your overall financial health. This might involve verifying assets like investment accounts or real estate holdings. Demonstrating a strong financial safety net can bolster your application.

        • Foreclosure or Bankruptcy History: Some lenders may be more lenient towards past credit issues, while others might have stricter policies regarding recent bankruptcies or foreclosures. It’s important to be upfront about your financial history when discussing loan options with a mortgage professional.

          freelancer working on her laptop at a coffee shop

          If you’re interested in a stated income loan, you’ll probably want to research our bank statement loans, too.

          a freelancer working on her laptop at her window with her pet cat

          Our Guide to Qualifying for a Bank Statement Mortgage

          Dreaming of homeownership but worried about your non-traditional income? Learn about bank statement loans and how they cater to borrowers with 1099, contract, freelance, or gig work. Understand the key differences between traditional and non-QM loans, and find out if a bank statement loan is right for you.

          a freelancer working on her laptop at her window with her pet cat

          Credit Requirements for Bank Statement Loans

          Considering a bank statement loan? Learn about the credit score requirements, income verification process, and other key factors that lenders consider. Find out how to optimize your financial situation to increase your chances of qualifying for this alternative mortgage option.

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          6 Documents Lenders Review When Qualifying You For a Bank Statement Mortgage

          Learn the key documents lenders review for bank statement mortgages. Discover how your bank statements, tax returns, and business ownership documents impact your mortgage qualification, and get tips to optimize your financial records for a successful application.

          How to Qualify for a Stated Income Loan

          While stated income loans offer an alternative path to homeownership, navigating the qualification process requires careful preparation. Here’s a breakdown of the key areas to focus on:

          1. Gather Strong Documentation:

          • Bank Statements: For stated income loans, bank statements become your primary source of income verification. Lenders typically request 12-24 months of statements to analyze your income consistency and deposit history. Ensure your statements reflect regular deposits that align with your stated income. Large, unexplained deposits or significant fluctuations might raise red flags.

          • Debt-to-Income Ratio (DTI): A healthy DTI, which compares your monthly debt obligations to your gross income, is crucial. Aim for a DTI ratio below 50% to demonstrate your ability to manage additional mortgage payments.

          2. Secure a Solid Down Payment:

          Stated income loans often require a larger down payment compared to conventional loans. This helps mitigate the lender’s risk associated with the lack of traditional income verification. Depending on the lender, the down payment requirement could range from 10% to 25% or even more of the property value. Having a substantial down payment will strengthen your application.

          3. Build a Strong Credit Score:

          A strong credit score is a key factor in qualifying for any mortgage, and it’s even more critical for stated income loans. Lenders will use your credit score to assess your creditworthiness and determine your loan terms, including interest rates. Generally, a score in the mid-to-high 600s or above is desirable. Focus on improving your credit score by paying bills on time, maintaining low credit card balances, and addressing any errors on your credit report.

          Additional Considerations:

          • Financial Stability: Beyond income and credit, lenders might consider your overall financial health. Having a healthy savings account and a diversified asset portfolio can demonstrate your financial responsibility.

          • Prepare Income Documentation: While tax returns aren’t mandatory, some lenders might request them to support your income claims. Additionally, consider gathering documentation like business contracts (for commission-based earners) to solidify your income stream.

          By diligently gathering documentation, building a strong credit score, and securing a substantial down payment, you can position yourself for a successful application with a stated income loan. Remember, consulting with a qualified mortgage professional can provide personalized guidance and help you navigate the specific requirements of different lenders.

            We’ve qualified hundreds of buyers with stated income loans

            Properties You Can Buy with a Stated Income Loan

            While stated income loans offer an alternative path to homeownership, you might wonder what types of properties qualify for this financing option. The good news is that stated income loans can be used to finance a variety of property types, opening doors to your dream home:

            1. Single-Family Residences:

            The most common use of a stated income loan is for purchasing a single-family home, the classic American dream. This could be your primary residence, a place to raise your family, or a cozy starter home. As long as the property meets the lender’s appraisal standards and falls within your borrowing limits, a stated income loan can be a viable option.

            2. Multi-Unit Homes:

            If you’re looking for a unique living situation or an investment opportunity, stated income loans can also be used to finance multi-unit properties like duplexes, triplexes, or even small apartment buildings. The rental income generated from these units can potentially help offset your mortgage payment, making it a more manageable option. However, some lenders might have stricter requirements or limitations on the number of units allowed when using a stated income loan.

            3. Investment Rental Properties:

            Entrepreneurial homebuyers can leverage stated income loans to purchase investment properties and build their rental portfolios. The rental income can contribute significantly to your cash flow and potentially help cover the mortgage payment. Keep in mind that lenders might have specific requirements for investment properties, such as higher down payments or minimum projected rental income.

            Important Considerations:

            • Property Type Restrictions: While these are some common property types financed with stated income loans, it’s important to check with specific lenders about any restrictions they might have. Some lenders might exclude certain property types like commercial buildings or fixer-uppers requiring extensive renovations.

            • LTV Ratio: The Loan-to-Value (LTV) ratio compares your loan amount to the appraised value of the property. With stated income loans, lenders might impose stricter LTV ratios, meaning you’ll need a larger down payment to reduce the loan amount borrowed against the property value.

            • Occupancy Requirements: Some stated income loans might have occupancy requirements, meaning the property must be your primary residence for a certain period. Be sure to understand the specific terms of your loan regarding occupancy restrictions.

            Remember: Consulting with a qualified mortgage professional is crucial. They can guide you through the specific requirements of different lenders and ensure the chosen property aligns with your financial goals and the limitations of a stated income loan.

            Quotes Are Cool, But Real Rates Are Better

            The experienced team at Abo Capital will run your numbers and get you an accurate rate estimate to help you make an actionable mortgage plan. With a deeper understanding of all your numbers, we can guide you to the best mortgage choice for your short- and long-term goals.

            Alternatives to Stated Income Loans

            While stated income loans can be a solution for some borrowers, they might not be the perfect fit for everyone. Here’s a breakdown of alternative financing options you might consider:

            Bank Statement Loans

            Similar to stated income loans, bank statement loans rely on bank statements to verify your income. However, they typically require fewer years of statements (often 12 months) and might have slightly less strict down payment requirements compared to stated income loans. This option can be a good alternative if you have a solid income history reflected in your bank statements.

            Asset-Based Loans

            If you have a significant amount of wealth tied up in assets like investment accounts, retirement savings, or real estate holdings, you might qualify for an asset-based loan. These loans focus on your overall net worth rather than income verification. This can be beneficial if your income fluctuates or is difficult to document traditionally.

            Investor Cash Flow Loans

            This option is suitable for purchasing investment properties. Investor cash flow loans consider the projected rental income of the property to qualify you for the loan. The rental income needs to be sufficient to cover the mortgage payment and other property expenses. This can be a good strategy for building your rental portfolio.

            Conventional Loans for Self-Employed Borrowers

            While qualifying for a conventional loan can be more challenging for self-employed individuals, it’s not impossible. You’ll need to provide tax returns for the past 2-3 years, but some lenders might also consider alternative income verification methods like bank statements or business contracts. If you can manage to gather the necessary documentation, a conventional loan might offer you a more favorable interest rate compared to a stated income loan.

            FHA, VA, or USDA Loans

            Government-backed loans from the Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Veteran’s Affairs (VA), or the Department of Agriculture (USDA) can be a good option for self-employed borrowers with lower credit scores or those seeking a lower down payment. These loans often have more lenient qualifying requirements compared to conventional loans and might not require extensive income documentation beyond tax returns.

            Hard Money Loans

            Hard money loans are short-term, bridge financing options secured by the property itself. These loans are often used for fixer-uppers or investment properties and come with steeper interest rates and stricter repayment terms. They should be considered a last resort due to the higher costs involved.

            Consulting a Mortgage Professional

            The best loan option for your situation depends on your individual financial profile and goals. A qualified mortgage professional can assess your needs, income stream, and creditworthiness to recommend the most suitable financing option. They can guide you through the application process and ensure you get the best possible loan terms.

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            FAQs About Stated Income Mortgages

            What credit score is needed for a stated income mortgage?

            Like many loan programs, lender prefer a higher credit score when approving borrowers. However, stated income loans can accept as low as a 580 credit score. This many impact the required minimum down payment.

            What is the meaning of stated income?

            Stated income refers to the way a lender will verify your ability to repay the loan. While many loans require W2 or pay stubs, stated income loans take alternative proof of income to qualify a buyer.