
Bank Statement Mortgages: Qualifying for a Loan with Nontraditional Income

Qualifying for a loan requires proving you have the resources to take on a loan. Many loan programs will only accept W2 income, but lenders have evolved with the employment landscape and now will accept bank statements to qualify a buyer.

Key Takeaways About Bank Statement Loans

Need quick answers in your journey to finding the perfect home loan? Here’s a quick breakdown of the key facts you need about bank statement mortgages.


  • Bank statements are a viable way to qualify for a mortgage
  • Whether you earn money through a 1099 contract, freelance or gig income, or sporadic payments, you have mortgage options
  • Lenders generally want to see the most recent 3 months of your bank statements to qualify you

Traditionally, securing a mortgage has relied heavily on documented income through tax returns. But what if your income structure doesn’t fit neatly into a W-2 box? Freelancers, independent contractors, and business owners with variable incomes may find themselves facing hurdles in the mortgage approval process. This is where bank statement mortgages emerge as a valuable option.

What is a Bank Statement Mortgage?

A bank statement mortgage is a type of loan that uses your personal or business bank statements, instead of tax returns, to verify income and qualify for a home loan. Lenders analyze deposit activity over a specific period (typically 12-24 months) to assess your financial health and ability to repay the mortgage.

Who Can Benefit from a Bank Statement Mortgage?

If you fall into any of these categories, a bank statement mortgage might be a suitable option for you:

  • Self-Employed Individuals: Freelancers, consultants, and independent contractors with demonstrably steady income through bank deposits.
  • Business Owners: Owners of small businesses with complex income structures that may not be fully reflected in tax returns.
  • Commission-Based Earners: Individuals whose income relies heavily on commissions, bonuses, or tips documented through bank deposits.

What Makes A Bank Statement Loan Different Than Traditional Loans?

The key difference lies in how income is verified. Traditional mortgages rely on tax returns, which can be a disadvantage for self-employed borrowers whose income might fluctuate or involve significant write-offs. Bank statement mortgages, on the other hand, provide an alternative path to homeownership by focusing on your banking activity, offering a more holistic view of your financial health.

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    Qualifying for a Bank Statement Mortgage

    Understanding the eligibility requirements for a bank statement mortgage empowers you to determine if it aligns with your financial situation. Here’s a breakdown of key factors lenders consider:

    • Minimum Credit Score: While specific requirements can vary, lenders typically look for a credit score in the mid-to-high 600 range or above. A strong credit score demonstrates responsible borrowing habits and strengthens your application.
    • Stable Income Demonstrated Through Bank Statements: This is where your bank statements take center stage. Lenders analyze deposit activity over a specified period (usually 12-24 months) to assess your income consistency. Consistent deposits from your business or freelance work paint a positive picture of your financial stability.
    • Down Payment Requirements: Just like traditional mortgages, bank statement mortgages typically require a down payment. The minimum down payment amount can vary depending on the lender and loan program but generally falls between 10% and 20% of the purchase price. A larger down payment can improve your chances of approval and potentially lead to a more favorable interest rate.
    • Cash Reserves: Lenders want to see evidence of a financial safety net. Having sufficient cash reserves demonstrates your ability to handle unexpected expenses and strengthens your application.
    • Debt-to-Income (DTI) Ratio: This metric compares your monthly debt obligations (including housing payments, car loans, credit card payments, etc.) to your gross monthly income. A lower DTI ratio indicates a greater capacity to manage additional debt, making your application more attractive.
    • Proof of Assets (if applicable): While not always required, owning additional assets like investment accounts or real estate can further strengthen your application by showcasing your overall financial well-being.

    Understanding Bank Statement Analysis:

    Lenders meticulously analyze your bank statements to gain insights into your financial health:

    • Deposits: Lenders assess the consistency and adequacy of your deposits to determine your ability to afford mortgage payments.
    • Income Sources: They identify the origin of your deposits to verify income streams and ensure they are legitimate and sustainable.
    • Recurring Expenses: Analyzing your spending patterns helps lenders understand your financial obligations and assess your ability to manage a mortgage payment on top of existing expenses.

    Tips for Strengthening Your Bank Statement Application:

    • Maintain Consistent Deposits: Aim for consistent deposits that reflect your average monthly income. Avoid large, unexplained influxes of cash.
    • Minimize Large, Unnecessary Expenses: Lenders want to see responsible financial management. Avoid excessive spending or unexplained withdrawals before applying.
    • Separate Business and Personal Accounts: If you’re self-employed, having separate accounts for business and personal expenses simplifies the analysis for lenders.
    • Work with a Qualified Mortgage Professional: A mortgage professional can guide you through the application process, ensure your paperwork is in order, and negotiate the best possible terms for your bank statement mortgage.

    By understanding these requirements and presenting a clear picture of your financial health through well-organized bank statements, you can increase your chances of securing a bank statement mortgage and achieving your dream of homeownership. Talking to an experienced mortgage broker will help you define your goals and navigate your choices with bank statement mortgages.

        The Bank Statement Mortgage Process

        Understanding the steps involved in securing a bank statement mortgage empowers you to plan and approach the process with confidence. Here’s a breakdown of the typical stages:

        1. Initial Inquiry and Pre-Qualification:

        This initial stage involves connecting with a mortgage professional who specializes in bank statement loans. They will discuss your financial situation, income streams, and desired loan amount. Based on this information, they can provide a pre-qualification estimate, giving you a preliminary idea of the mortgage amount you might qualify for.

        2. Document Collection (Including Bank Statements):

        Once you decide to move forward, you’ll need to gather documentation to support your application. This typically includes:

        • Personal identification documents (driver’s license, passport)
        • Proof of income: Your bank statements (usually for 12-24 months) will be the key source here.
        • Tax returns (may or may not be required depending on the lender)
        • Proof of assets (investment accounts, real estate holdings, if applicable)

        3. Loan Application and Underwriting:

        The formal loan application process begins with submitting your completed application and supporting documents. The lender’s underwriting team will meticulously analyze your financial health based on the provided information. This involves verifying income through bank statements, assessing your debt-to-income ratio, and evaluating your overall financial stability.

        4. Closing Process:

        Once your loan is approved, you’ll move on to the closing process. This involves reviewing and signing loan documents, finalizing down payment details, and officially securing your mortgage.


        The timeframe for obtaining a bank statement mortgage can vary depending on the lender, your financial situation, and the complexity of your application. Generally, you can expect the process to take anywhere from 30-45 days, potentially longer in some cases.

        Finding a Bank Statement Mortgage Lender:

        Several online resources can connect you with lenders offering bank statement mortgages. Recommendations from friends, family, or real estate professionals who have utilized bank statement mortgages in the past can also be valuable.

        Remember, a qualified mortgage professional can guide you through each step, answer your questions, and ensure a smooth application process.

        By understanding these steps and working with a trusted mortgage professional, you can navigate the path toward securing a bank statement mortgage and making your dream of homeownership a reality.

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        Understanding the Costs of Your Bank Statement Mortgage

        While navigating the path to homeownership, it’s natural to consider the financial aspects involved. Here’s a breakdown of costs associated with bank statement mortgages:

        Interest Rates:

        Interest rates on bank statement mortgages can be slightly higher than traditional mortgages. This is because they cater to borrowers with less standardized income documentation. However, with a strong financial profile and consistent income demonstrably reflected in your bank statements, you can potentially secure a competitive rate.

        Closing Costs:

        Closing costs associated with bank statement mortgages are generally comparable to traditional mortgages. These typically include origination fees, appraisal fees, title insurance, and various other administrative charges. The specific breakdown of closing costs can vary depending on your loan amount, location, and lender.

        Additional Fees:

        There typically aren’t any additional fees specific to bank statement mortgages themselves. However, some lenders might charge document analysis fees to assess the complexity of your bank statements. It’s crucial to compare rates and fees from various lenders to find the most favorable terms for your situation.

        Remember, a qualified mortgage professional can provide personalized estimates and guide you through the cost considerations associated with your specific scenario.

          Learn More About Bank Statement Loans

          a freelancer working on her laptop at her window with her pet cat

          Our Guide to Qualifying for a Bank Statement Mortgage

          Dreaming of homeownership but worried about your non-traditional income? Learn about bank statement loans and how they cater to borrowers with 1099, contract, freelance, or gig work. Understand the key differences between traditional and non-QM loans, and find out if a bank statement loan is right for you.

          a freelancer working on her laptop at her window with her pet cat

          Credit Requirements for Bank Statement Loans

          Considering a bank statement loan? Learn about the credit score requirements, income verification process, and other key factors that lenders consider. Find out how to optimize your financial situation to increase your chances of qualifying for this alternative mortgage option.

          a freelancer working on her laptop at her window with her pet cat

          6 Documents Lenders Review When Qualifying You For a Bank Statement Mortgage

          Learn the key documents lenders review for bank statement mortgages. Discover how your bank statements, tax returns, and business ownership documents impact your mortgage qualification, and get tips to optimize your financial records for a successful application.

          Considering Alternatives to Bank Statement Mortgages

          While bank statement mortgages offer a valuable path to homeownership for many self-employed individuals, it’s essential to be aware of alternative loan options:

          • Stated Income Loans: These loans rely on the borrower’s stated income verification, often through tax returns with limited documentation required. However, stated-income loans typically come with stricter qualification requirements, such as higher down payments and potentially higher interest rates.
          • Asset-Based Loans: If you own significant assets like investment accounts or real estate, asset-based loans can be an option. These loans consider the value of your assets to qualify you for a mortgage, placing less emphasis on traditional income documentation. It’s important to remember that using assets as collateral can pose risks if you’re unable to make mortgage payments.
          • Government-Backed Loans: The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) offers loan programs with relaxed qualifying guidelines, sometimes allowing for lower credit scores and down payments. These loans can be a good option for self-employed borrowers who may not meet the stricter requirements of traditional mortgages. However, FHA loans come with specific requirements, such as mortgage insurance premiums.

          Choosing the Right Path:

          Each loan option has its advantages and disadvantages. Consulting with a qualified mortgage professional can help you explore these alternatives, compare loan terms, and determine which option best aligns with your financial situation and home-buying goals.

            We’ve qualified hundreds of self-employed borrowers for loans

            Is a Bank Statement Loan Right For You?

            Understanding who benefits most from bank statement mortgages empowers you to determine if it aligns with your financial situation. Here’s a breakdown of borrower profiles that typically find bank statement mortgages advantageous:

            • The Self-Employed Trailblazer: If you’re a freelancer, consultant, or independent contractor with a steady income stream, bank statement mortgages can be a game-changer. Traditional mortgages rely heavily on tax returns, which might not fully reflect your income due to write-offs or business expenses. Bank statements, however, showcase your actual deposits, providing a more holistic view of your financial health.
            • The 1099 Entrepreneur: If you receive a 1099 tax form reflecting your income from various clients or gigs, bank statement mortgages offer an alternative path to homeownership. By analyzing your deposit activity, lenders can assess your income consistency and ability to manage a mortgage payment.
            • The Budding Contractor: As a contract worker, your income might fluctuate depending on project timelines. Bank statement mortgages can cater to this variability by focusing on your overall deposit patterns instead of a single tax year snapshot. Consistent deposits over a specified period demonstrate your financial stability to lenders.
            • The Freelancer on the Rise: Freelance income can be rewarding but can also pose challenges when qualifying for traditional mortgages. Bank statement mortgages provide an opportunity for freelancers with demonstrably consistent earnings through bank deposits to secure a home loan.
            • The Savvy Small Business Owner: Running a small business comes with its own set of financial intricacies. Bank statement mortgages can be a valuable option for small business owners whose income structures might not be neatly reflected in traditional tax documents. Analyzing your business bank statements allows lenders to assess your financial strength and ability to manage a mortgage alongside your business expenses.

            Beyond the Professions:

            While these professions typically benefit greatly from bank statement mortgages, it’s not an exhaustive list. Anyone with demonstrably steady and verifiable income through bank statements can potentially qualify for this loan option.

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            FAQs About Bank Statement Mortgages

            How far back do lenders look at bank statements?

            The time requirements for bank statements can change based on loan program and the lender you’re using. When qualifying for a bank statement loan, they generallly want to see the most recent 3-6 months.

            What are red flags on bank statements for mortgage?

            Large, random deposits, consistent payments to individuals, and overdraft fees are the most critical red flags lenders will look at when reviewing your bank statements for a mortgage.

            Do mortgage lenders look at spending habits?

            Lenders will look at the amount of money that comes in every month versus what is spent. This will be factored into their evaluation of your ability to take on a mortgage.