
Financing Strategies For New and Experienced Investors

Commercial Lending 

Building a portfolio of real estate investments is possible for anyone with the right mortgage broker partner. Working with an expert in the commercial lending space means you can find the right property and use the right loan to create a portfolio.

Work With A Nationwide Expert on Your Next Commercial Financing Project

Diving into the world of commercial real estate can be thrilling, but navigating financing options, property legalities, and market trends can get complex. Here’s where a commercial financing expert becomes your game-changer. They bring specialized knowledge and experience to the table, helping you unlock opportunities you might miss on your own. From identifying hidden-gem properties to negotiating advantageous loan terms, their expertise translates to sharper deals and a stronger foundation for your investment goals. You’ll gain invaluable guidance throughout the process, saving you time, minimizing risk, and ultimately maximizing your chances of achieving commercial real estate success.

Commercial Loan Types

Commercial Real Estate Loans

Permanent Loans

Bridge Loans

Construction Loans

SBA Loans

CMBS Loans

Hard Money Loans

Private Financing

Business Lines of Credit 

We find the loan that fits your short- and long-term goals

There’s a Commercial Loan Option For Your Goals

Whether you’re looking to infuse cash into a startup, finance the expansion of your small business, or start working on that commercial real estate portfolio, we’ve got the experience and relationships with lenders to find you the best deal for your project.

small business owner looking for SBA financing<br />

SBA Loans

An SBA loan is a type of government-backed loan issued by approved lenders like banks and credit unions. These loans are designed to help small businesses get the funding they need to start, grow, or expand. The SBA doesn’t directly issue the loans, but it guarantees a portion of the loan amount, making it less risky for lenders and potentially leading to more favorable terms for borrowers. This can translate into lower interest rates and longer repayment schedules compared to traditional commercial loans. However, SBA loans often come with stricter eligibility requirements and a lengthier application process.

Multi-Family Residential

Multifamily properties are a win-win: steady rental income for strong cash flow and potential for long-term value growth. Our multifamily experts find you the right opportunity and navigate DSCR loans, making your real estate goals a reality.

two business people brokering a private lending deal<br />

Private Lending

Private lending stands in contrast to traditional bank loans. It refers to financing offered by private individuals or institutions outside of the realm of banks and credit unions. In the commercial lending landscape, private lenders can be a valuable resource for businesses that may not qualify for traditional loans due to factors like limited credit history or a unique financing need. These private lenders often have more flexibility in structuring loan terms and may be willing to consider unconventional forms of collateral.

Short-Term Rentals

Short-term rentals like vacation homes or apartments can be cash cows. Higher nightly rates from tourists boost your income compared to traditional rentals. Our experts help you find prime locations, navigate regulations, and optimize listings. Let’s unlock your short-term rental success.

Our Catalog of Commercial Lending Programs


SBA Loans

Government-backed loans with lower risk for lenders, offering potentially better terms for businesses buying or improving commercial property.

Commercial Real Estate

Traditional bank loans for acquiring or refinancing commercial properties, requiring significant down payments and strong credit.

Bridge Loans

Short-term financing to gap the time between buying and selling commercial property or securing permanent financing.

CMBS Loans

Pool loans from multiple commercial properties into a security sold to investors, offering attractive rates for high-quality properties in strong markets.

Construction Loans

Temporary financing to cover the costs of building or renovating a commercial property, converted to permanent financing upon completion.

Hard Money Loans

Short-term, fast-closing loans from private lenders for commercial real estate, with higher interest rates and stricter terms.

Fannie Mae + Freddie Mac

Government-sponsored loans focused on financing income-producing multifamily properties (apartment buildings).

Private Lending

Financing from high-net-worth individuals or groups, offering more flexibility than banks but potentially with higher rates and shorter terms.

Mezzanine Loans

Gap financing that sits between senior debt (like a mortgage) and equity investment, providing additional capital but with higher risk and returns for the lender.

What is a Commercial Loan?

A commercial loan is a financial product designed to meet the specific needs of businesses. Unlike personal loans, which are used for individual expenses, commercial loans provide businesses with the capital they need to operate, grow, and achieve their financial goals.

Here’s a breakdown of the key characteristics that differentiate commercial loans from personal loans:

  • Purpose: Commercial loans are used for a wide range of business purposes, such as purchasing inventory or equipment, financing real estate acquisitions or renovations, expanding operations, or covering working capital needs. Personal loans, on the other hand, are typically used for individual needs like consolidating debt, financing a home improvement project, or covering unexpected expenses.
  • Repayment Terms: Commercial loan repayment terms are generally longer and more flexible than personal loans. Commercial loans can range from short-term lines of credit to long-term term loans with repayment periods extending several years. Personal loans typically have shorter repayment terms, often lasting up to a few years.
  • Collateral Requirements: Commercial loans are often secured by collateral, meaning the business pledges an asset (like property or equipment) to guarantee repayment. This can give lenders more confidence in approving the loan and may lead to more favorable interest rates. Personal loans can be secured or unsecured, with unsecured loans typically carrying higher interest rates.

In essence, commercial loans are a powerful tool for businesses to unlock their growth potential. They provide the necessary financial resources to overcome hurdles, seize opportunities, and achieve long-term success.


How are Commercial Loans Used?

Commercial loans serve as the fuel for businesses to launch, grow, and thrive. But with a variety of loan options available, it’s natural to wonder if a commercial loan is the right fit for your current needs. Here are some common scenarios where a commercial loan can be a strategic financial move:

  • Buying an Investment Property: If you’re looking to build or expand a real estate portfolio, leveraging a commercial loan can be a great way to do that. Using an expert in commercial lending is a critical choice in building a sustainable and profitable portfolio. We can help you identify the right property and strategize the right investment loan.
  • Launching Your Dream: Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or an established business looking to open a new location, a commercial loan can bridge the gap between your vision and reality. Financing aspects like leasehold improvements, equipment purchases, and initial inventory can propel your new venture forward.
  • Scaling Up for Success: As your business experiences growth, a commercial loan can help you seize opportunities. This might involve expanding your existing operations, acquiring new equipment or technology, or even making strategic acquisitions. A commercial loan can provide the capital needed to take your business to the next level.
  • Maintaining Cash Flow: Even well-established businesses can encounter temporary cash flow fluctuations. A commercial line of credit can act as a safety net, offering flexible access to working capital to cover operational expenses, payroll, or unexpected costs.
  • Investing in the Future: Does your business rely on specialized equipment or technology? A commercial loan can help finance these essential assets, keeping your operations efficient and competitive. 

Considering a Commercial Loan? Ask Yourself:

  • Are you looking to fund a specific business project or initiative?
  • Do you have a solid business plan outlining how the loan will be used and repaid?
  • Would an influx of capital help you achieve your business goals?

If you answered yes to these questions, exploring commercial loan options might be a smart step. Remember, a commercial loan can be a powerful tool to unlock your business potential and propel you towards long-term success. Talk to a commercial lending expert to get the full scope of your options.


Get Expert Guidance On Commercial Lending

Exploring Different Types of Commercial Loans

The commercial loan landscape offers a diverse range of financing options to cater to your business’s specific needs. Understanding the various loan types empowers you to choose the best fit for your financial goals. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most common commercial loans:

1. Term Loans

Explanation: A term loan provides a lump sum of capital with a fixed repayment schedule and interest rate.

Key Features: Term loans offer predictable monthly payments and clear loan terms, making them ideal for financing specific business needs. Loan terms can vary from short-term (a few years) to long-term (up to 10 years or more).

Ideal Use Cases: Term loans are well-suited for financing capital expenditures such as purchasing equipment, renovating your office space, or funding a marketing campaign.


2. Lines of Credit

Explanation: A commercial line of credit functions like a credit card for your business, offering flexible access to working capital up to a pre-approved limit. You only pay interest on the amount you use, making it a good option for ongoing operational expenses.

Key Features: Lines of credit provide flexibility and quick access to funds, ideal for managing unforeseen expenses, seasonal fluctuations, or covering short-term gaps in cash flow.

Ideal Use Cases: Lines of credit are valuable tools for managing day-to-day operations, covering payroll during slow periods, or purchasing inventory as needed.


3. Small Business Administration (SBA) Loans

Explanation: The SBA offers government-backed loans with partially guaranteed repayment by the SBA, making them attractive options for startups and small businesses that might not qualify for traditional loans.

Key Features: SBA loans typically offer lower interest rates and longer repayment terms compared to conventional commercial loans. However, they often come with stricter eligibility requirements and a lengthier application process.

Ideal Use Cases: SBA loans are a good option for startups or businesses with limited credit history seeking funding for real estate purchases, equipment acquisition, or working capital needs.


4. Commercial Real Estate Loans

Explanation: These loans are specifically designed to finance the purchase, construction, or refinancing of commercial properties such as office buildings, warehouses, or retail storefronts.

Key Features: Commercial real estate loans typically involve larger loan amounts with longer repayment terms than other commercial loans. They are often secured by the property itself.

Ideal Use Cases: Commercial real estate loans are essential for businesses looking to invest in a permanent location, expand their existing footprint, or develop a property for business purposes.


5. Equipment Financing

Explanation: Equipment financing allows businesses to acquire essential equipment by spreading out the cost over a defined loan term.

Key Features: Equipment financing can offer 100% financing for the equipment’s value, simplifying the budgeting process for acquiring essential assets. The equipment itself typically serves as collateral for the loan.

Ideal Use Cases: Equipment financing is a strategic option for businesses that rely on specialized equipment to operate efficiently, such as manufacturing companies, restaurants purchasing kitchen equipment, or medical practices acquiring diagnostic tools.

Remember, this is just a starting point. Consulting with a commercial loan specialist can help you explore the specific loan options that best align with your business goals and financial situation.

Where to Find a Commercial Loan: Why a Mortgage Broker is Your Best Choice

Navigating the commercial loan landscape can feel overwhelming. But with the right partner on your side, securing the financing you need becomes a smoother journey. Here’s a breakdown of some common lenders offering commercial loans, and why a mortgage broker can be your most valuable ally:

  • Traditional Banks & Credit Unions: These institutions offer a variety of commercial loan options, but their approval processes can be lengthy and bureaucratic. Additionally, they may have stricter eligibility requirements.
  • Online Lenders: While online lenders offer a streamlined application process, they often come with higher interest rates and shorter loan terms.

Why Choose a Mortgage Broker for Your Commercial Loan?

A mortgage broker acts as your advocate, shopping around your loan application to a vast network of lenders, including banks, credit unions, and specialized commercial lenders. This ensures you receive the most competitive rates and terms tailored to your specific needs. Here’s what sets a mortgage broker apart:

  • Expertise & Relationships: Mortgage brokers possess in-depth knowledge of commercial loan products and have established relationships with a variety of lenders. This expertise allows them to navigate complex loan structures and negotiate on your behalf.
  • Streamlined Process: A mortgage broker simplifies the application process by guiding you through the paperwork and ensuring all necessary documentation is submitted. They handle the legwork, saving you valuable time and energy.
  • Personalized Service: Unlike large institutions, a mortgage broker offers a personalized approach, taking the time to understand your business goals and financial situation. This allows them to match you with the most suitable loan option and advocate for your unique needs throughout the process.

Factors Considered by Lenders:

When evaluating your loan application, lenders will consider several factors including your business’s credit history, financial statements, projected cash flow, and the purpose of the loan. A strong business plan outlining how you will utilize the loan funds and repay the debt will significantly strengthen your application.

By partnering with a qualified mortgage broker, you gain an expert negotiator and guide throughout the commercial loan process, significantly increasing your chances of securing the most favorable financing for your business.


Steps to Securing a Commercial Loan

Obtaining a commercial loan can empower your business to reach new heights. While the process may seem complex, understanding the key steps involved can make your journey smoother. Here’s a roadmap to guide you through securing the financing you need:

1. Prepare Your Documentation:

Before approaching lenders, gather the necessary documentation to showcase your business’s financial health and creditworthiness. This typically includes:

  • Business Plan: A well-crafted business plan outlining your business goals, financial projections, and how you plan to utilize the loan funds demonstrates your vision and preparedness to the lender.
  • Financial Statements: Provide recent profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. These offer a clear picture of your business’s financial performance.
  • Tax Returns: Your business and personal tax returns (if applicable) provide the lender with an understanding of your past tax history and overall financial health.


2. Complete the Loan Application:

Once you have your documentation prepared, your mortgage broker will submit your documents to a lender that offers commercial loan options aligned with your needs. Carefully complete the loan application, providing accurate and detailed information about your business, loan purpose, and desired loan amount.


3. Loan Underwriting and Evaluation:

Upon receiving your application, the lender will initiate the underwriting process. This involves a thorough assessment of your business’s financial strength, credit history, and the viability of your loan request. The underwriter will analyze your financial documents, business plan, and may even request additional information.


4. Negotiation and Approval:

If the underwriter is satisfied with your application, they will present a loan offer outlining the terms, including interest rate, repayment schedule, and any collateral requirements. This is your opportunity to negotiate for the most favorable terms that align with your business goals. Once an agreement is reached, the loan is officially approved.


5. Closing the Loan:

The final step involves the loan closing process. This typically involves reviewing and signing loan documents, finalizing any collateral requirements, and disbursing the loan funds.


Remember: Throughout this process, maintaining a strong credit history and demonstrating a viable business plan are crucial factors in securing a favorable commercial loan. Partnering with a qualified mortgage broker can be a valuable asset, as they can guide you through each step, negotiate on your behalf, and ensure you secure the most suitable financing option for your business.

Improving Your Chances of Loan Approval


Build a Strong Business Credit History

Establishing a solid business credit history is fundamental. Pay your bills on time, maintain a healthy balance on any existing business credit cards or lines of credit, and consider building business credit through vendor financing or credit builder loans.

Craft a Viable Business Plan with Realistic Projections

Your business plan serves as a roadmap for your lender. Develop a clear and concise plan outlining your business goals, financial projections, and how you intend to utilize the loan funds. Ensure your projections are realistic and demonstrate your ability to repay the loan.

Minimize Personal and Business Debt

Excessive debt can raise red flags for lenders. Focus on reducing existing personal and business debt before applying for a commercial loan. This demonstrates your financial responsibility and improves your overall creditworthiness.

Maintain Good Relationships with Your Bank

Building a positive relationship with your bank can be a significant asset. Develop a rapport with a loan officer, discuss your business goals, and explore potential financing options. Having a history with your bank positions you as a reliable borrower and streamlines the application process.

Commercial Loan Interest Rates:

Commercial loan interest rates are influenced by several factors:

  • Prime Rate: This benchmark rate serves as a baseline for commercial loan interest rates.
  • Creditworthiness: Your business’s credit history plays a significant role in determining your interest rate. A strong credit history qualifies you for a lower interest rate.
  • Loan Type: Different loan types come with varying risk profiles for the lender. For example, SBA loans typically offer lower interest rates due to government guarantees, while short-term lines of credit may have higher interest rates.

Common Commercial Loan Fees:

Be aware of potential fees associated with commercial loans:

  • Origination Fees: A one-time fee charged by the lender for processing the loan application.
  • Closing Costs: These cover administrative expenses associated with finalizing the loan, such as title searches and appraisals.
  • Prepayment Penalties: Some loans may have penalties for repaying the loan early.

Understanding these factors will empower you to negotiate more favorable terms and ensure you have a clear picture of the total cost of your commercial loan.



Alternatives to Commercial Loans

While commercial loans are a powerful financing tool, they may not be the perfect fit for every business. If you’re facing challenges qualifying for a traditional commercial loan, exploring alternative financing options can help you secure the capital you need. Here’s a glimpse into some popular alternatives:

1. Business Credit Cards:

  • Pros: Easy to apply for and offer quick access to capital for smaller expenses. Can help build business credit history with responsible use.
  • Cons: Typically carry high interest rates and may have lower spending limits compared to commercial loans.

2. Merchant Cash Advances:

  • Pros: Faster funding process compared to traditional loans. Can be based on your business’s future sales receipts.
  • Cons: Often come with high effective interest rates disguised as “factor rates.” Can be risky if your sales fluctuate.

3. Crowdfunding:

  • Pros: Raise capital from a large pool of investors. Can generate brand awareness and customer engagement in the process.
  • Cons: Success depends on a compelling campaign and effective marketing. May involve giving up equity in your business.

4. Angel Investors or Venture Capital:

  • Pros: Can provide significant funding for high-growth businesses. Investors often offer mentorship and valuable connections.
  • Cons: Rigorous qualification process. Investors typically take an equity stake in your business, giving them a share of the profits and potential control over your decisions.

Choosing the Right Option:

Commercial loans offer structured repayment terms and competitive interest rates, making them a reliable choice for many businesses. However, alternative financing options can be a viable solution for businesses with limited credit history, specific funding needs, or a high-growth potential. Carefully weigh the pros and cons of each option considering your business goals, risk tolerance, and financial situation. Consulting with a financial advisor can be invaluable in guiding you towards the most suitable financing strategy.

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