No Doc Mortgage Loans for Self-Employed Borrowers

No Doc Mortgage Loans for Self-Employed Borrowers

  Bank statement home loans offer relaxed guidelines versus traditional mortgage loans. If you need to acquire funds in a hurry, you might qualify for an asset-based home loan. Abo Capital helps qualified self-employed borrowers obtain no doc mortgage loans. What...

Mortgage Loans for Self-Employed Home Buyers

    Self-employed home buyers can achieve the American Dream of Homeownership. Whether you operate as a limited liability company, a sole proprietor or as an independent contractor, you might qualify for a home loan. Reputable lenders offer affordable...

Mortgage Calculator

      Mortgage calculators provide instant payment computations. If you’re buying a home or wondering how much you can save by refinancing, a mortgage calculator is the ideal financial tool. Using a mortgage calculator, you can quickly estimate the...

Bridge Loans for Self-Employed Borrowers

  Bridge loans are ideal for investors who’ll pledge existing assets to acquire another property. Whether you need fast access to capital or to close on a lucrative real estate deal, it’s imperative to work with an industry expert. The Mortgage Professor,...

Mortgage Note

Understanding a Mortgage Note When you take out a mortgage to purchase a home, you sign a promissory note, which is also known as a mortgage note. The mortgage note is a legal document that outlines the terms of the loan, including the amount borrowed, the interest...